Tag Archives: terrorism

Many Americans are Siding with Hamas, Today’s “Nazis”

Flag of Israel

By Rob Meyne

  • June 21, 2024
  • 4-min read

Neither side of any dispute is perfect. But some choices are clear.

The Middle East is a battle of good vs. evil.

Even if there is some blame on both sides, there can be a clear bottom line. This is such a case.

If you don’t recognize that Israel is, by far, the more noble, decent, and admirable player in this conflict, there is no hope for you.

  • America’s colleges and universities have this year been full of pro-Hamas demonstrators. Yet, if you watch interviews with them, you will see most of these protestors, in most cases, are not students and don’t know WHY they are protesting.
  • About 20% of all Democratic voters say they support Hamas. That is astounding. Every time you hear the word “Hamas,” think “Nazi.” They are indistinguishable. How can a fifth of average American Democrats support terrorists?
  • Recall that, last fall, the U. S. House took a vote to condemn the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7. Sixteen Democrats could not even vote to condemn the attacks. If you can’t condemn terrorist attacks you are an evil hypocrite and on the side of today’s Nazis, aka Hamas.
  • A formerly cognizant old friend writes that the Netanyahu government massacred some aid workers and was either fine with it or it was intentional. Nonsense. You may remember Biden’s government slaughtered a group of aid workers in the wake of his shameful Afghanistan retreat. Did Biden do it intentionally? I don’t think so. They are just inept.
  • Remember as demonstrators ask for freedom for Palestine…. There is no such nation and never has been. (You can find sources for yourself. But this tip: go to some that are neutral, non-political, such as the WorldAtlas.com. It is much like sex: you can claim you are a woman, but if you have a Y chromosome, you are not. You can also call any area on the planet, or on another, “Palestine,” but that doesn’t make it so.)
  • The term Palestinian wasn’t even widely used until after the creation of modern Israel. Arafat later popularized the term as essentially a branding effort for radical Muslims under the PLO banner. (Note, there are a ton of countries that “recognize” Palestine, although there isn’t even a land mass designated as such, as a way of showing their support for Muslim extremists. They can call it “Mordor” or “Atlantis” if they want, but it doesn’t make it legal or factually true.)
  • Palestine (since it didn’t exist) was not eliminated or bifurcated with the creation of Israel. Of course, Palestine, being non-existent, is also not subverted by Israel.
  • The area the “Palestinians” claim are basically Gaza and the West Bank. Neither is ruled by Israel.
  • There is no apartheid. Israel doesn’t run Gaza. Hamas does. There are even Muslim/Arab members of the Knesset, Israel’s unicameral version of Congress.
  • Muslims are free to fully participate in life in Israel. How welcome do you think Jews are in Gaza?
  • Gazans voted for Hamas, a terrorist organization, to be their rulers. And Hamas, in its foundational documents, committed itself to wiping out Israel.
  • A majority of Gazans surveyed say they support terrorism, support the attacks of October 7, and support wiping out Israel. They do not want peace. They want war, victory, and have opposed a two-state solution numerous times.
  • It is especially disgusting to hear the pro-Hamas/Nazi officials (which includes Biden, by the way) worried about Israel committing genocide. That is just obscene. The Israeli military even routinely notifies communities in Gaza they are planning on attacking, so the civilians can get out. Meanwhile, Hamas uses their own women and children as human shields. Which side values life?
  • Finally, remember the U. S. is funding Hamas and other terrorists. Your tax dollars are funding the weapons Hamas uses to kill Israelis and many Americans. Are you OK with that? The U. S. has given billions to Iran, which funds Hamas; given $ 6 B in ransom; and just gave $ 9 B out of the massive military funding bill to Hamas.
  • There is no such thing as giving money to another nation and ensuring it is spent on humanitarian aid. We do not control how the money is spent. Once it is there, it is fungible. For years, money that has been given to Hamas for supposedly “humanitarian” purposes has been diverted to terrorism. Hamas even posted videos of them using water pipe, provided to help deliver lifesaving water to civilians, to make rockets.

Your choice, for president, is to vote for a man Netanyahu calls the best friend Israel has ever had in the White House, or to vote for a guy who criticizes Israel and sends money to Hamas. Your choice could not be clearer.

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You Support Israel or You Defend Evil – Choose One

By Rob Meyne

  • Nov. 24, 2023
  • 5-min read

Hamas, which is both a terrorist organization and the ruling body of Gaza, on October 7 conducted the biggest act of terrorism targeting Jewish people since the Holocaust. It was the bloodiest, most tragic act of its kind in our lifetimes.

In terms of pure hatred, Hamas and its sycophants have delivered something we have not seen since 911 or the Holocaust. Anyone who doesn’t instantly recognize that has given up their place at the table of rational debate.
Hamas launched an unprovoked assault on ordinary people, not in response to any actions by Israel, and did not target government or military targets. They tortured average citizens, killed them, and took them hostage. Their victims included many Americans.

Israel is our closest ally, and the only real democracy, in the region. They are longtime friends with whom we have officially been aligned since their founding. At one time, a huge majority of Americans supported Israel. Many still do, but it is changing.

The Hamas assault may prove to be one of the events we look back on someday and say, “how did we not rise and stop this once and for all?” If we do not recognize the need to stand as one in support of what is good, decent, and righteous, we may be dooming our world to further suffering that would have been preventable had we just done that right thing.

Thousands have rallied to show their support for Hamas, and their hatred of Israel. Don’t be mistaken. There is no middle ground on October 7 and the Israeli response: either you recognize the Palestinian/Arab attack as an indefensible act of pure evil, or you equivocate and grasp for ways to minimize and excuse it. Many in the Democratic leadership have done just that. Notably, not a single nationally prominent Republican has defended Hamas.

Hamas apologists and supporters, in the U. S. and around the globe, have already gotten to work spinning the news and rewriting history in a way that justifies the Palestinians explicit endorsement of genocide.

Yet no reasonable person can support them at this point. Women were gang raped to the point of having their pelvises shattered. Babies were thrown into ovens, burned alive, or beheaded. Jews and Americans were burned in their homes, shot or beaten to death, and taken hostage. Depending on what survey you look at, something like a quarter or more of Americans openly support Hamas.

Hamas stands sharply against everything Americans have traditionally believed in. Millions of Americans apparently no longer share those values. But if you still place a high priority on mercy, kindness, decency, freedom, and the value of life you cannot support Hamas.

In Washington, sixteen Democratic members of the House did not vote for a simple resolution condemning Hamas and the terrorist attacks. (One GOP member did not support it.) About 12% of the entire Democratic caucus could not agree that terrorism and terrorists are bad. No wonder their party can’t define what is a woman, thinks men can have babies, and believes everyone who isn’t a white male is a victim.

Biden supports a cease fire, which is what Hamas wants. It would give Hamas time to regroup and defend itself. And there are presently periodic pauses to allow the movement of hostages or humanitarian acts.

Yet where does it end? Will continued pauses bring an end to the Hamas reign of terror? No. Cease fires will only guarantee survival of the terrorists. Only letting Israel do its job can lead to an end of the war and the kind of peace that only comes after victory.

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21 Years After 9/11 and We Still Can’t Say, “Islamic Terrorism”

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 11, 2022
  • 3-min read

It’s Sunday, September 11, 2022 – that’s 21 years after the horrific events of September 11, 2001. Nearly a generation has passed.

I was watching Fox News coverage this morning of the 9/11 ceremonies at what once was the site of New York’s Twin Towers. That ceremony is always a sobering reminder that there are bad guys in the world who won’t hesitate to kill Americans on our on soil if given the chance. They’ll kill indiscriminately – the old, young, women, babies, handicapped – whomever.

In watching the coverage, I noticed that Fox hosts and commentators described the 9/11 attackers as simply “terrorists.” They expressed the concern that no other terrorists or “militants” (the other word employed) ever again rain destruction on the U.S. It was clear that the Fox crew wasn’t going discuss why the 9/11 attacks happened. They weren’t going to identify the attackers as Islamic or Muslim terrorists.

In fact, the terrorists who engineered and executed the attacks in NYC and DC – and who commandeered Flight 93 that heroic passengers brought down in a farm field near Shanksville, PA – most certainly had religious motivations (albeit fanatical) in doing so. 9/11 was, by these villains’ lights, jihad – an act of war premised and justified by Islam. Saying that, there’s no claim here that most Muslims are fanatically driven, though the 9/11 hijackers (commonly believed to be led by Muhammed Atta) were lauded by radical Muslims overseas).

Why the 9/11 attacks happened matter more than the when, what, and how. If we fail to acknowledge the motivations that Atta and his conspirators had, don’t we risk having other Islamic terrorists attempt the scale of attacks that occurred 21 years ago? That we haven’t experienced any other large-scale attacks is a credit to our vigilance. But, thanks to Joe Biden and the leftists who run his administration, our southern border is now wide-opened. It’s not just poor, migrant farm workers violating our laws entering the U.S. Among them are probably Islamic terrorists – and others willing to do harm to Americans. Being vigilant at airports isn’t enough.

In the immediate aftermath of 9/11 to this day, the notion has been pushed that screening measures at airports and other public transportation hubs had to be applied equally. “Profiling” was deemed discriminatory. So, 75-year-old, blue-eyed, rosy-cheeked grandmas are pulled out line and searched as if they’re likely to blow up a plane. It’s absurdity in the name of equality. Police, TSA, and other security pros know it’s absurd. They know that people matching certain profiles are where Islamic terrorists are to be found. The Israelis have used profiling effectively for decades.

Of course, as the future unfolds, it doesn’t mean that terrorist threats will originate exclusively among Muslim peoples. Terrorism is a means. Radical Muslims don’t own the franchise. Looking ahead, terrorism may come from Mexico, for example. Emboldened drug cartels there are really paramilitary outfits. If drug lords see terrorism as a tool to protect or advance their interests, they’d have no compunction using it.

What about among Russians, as another example? As divisions with the West harden and grow, might we not see “unconventional warfare” originating from Russia? If we do, the focus of our policing and security needs to align with that threat.

We can’t just stop “terrorism,” as if it’s a generic threat to Americans’ welfare and safety. We have to know who is perpetrating terrorist acts and why. Understanding and accepting the root causes of terrorism is critical to preventing it.

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Biden Wants You to Be Afraid

By Rob Meyne

  • Jan. 25, 2022
  • 3-min read

Most of the leading arguments by Washington leftists are only persuasive if you have already accepted a proposition on which they are based. Many of these assumptions are, unfortunately for them, simply not true.

An example is the suggestion that the greatest domestic threat to our nation comes from right-wing activists. It is possible no political party has made more of an effort to persuade Americans of a false narrative. The Biden Administration wants Americans to believe right-wing extremism is the most dangerous and prevalent domestic threat and that January 6 is part of a broader problem.

Leftists think you will not push back on their attempts to squelch free speech, punish their critics, and use the DOJ to pursue their political enemies if you believe there is an existential threat from conservatives. If you are afraid, in other words, you may not focus on the dumpster fire that is Biden’s America.

The DOJ has established an entirely new department to pursue, investigate, and prosecute “extremists,” which they define as people who question government authority or its policies. Got it? If you question government, take issue with its actions, the Biden Administration thinks you are a potentially violent and dangerous terrorist.

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