Tag Archives: 2022 midterm elections

Two Reasons Why the Red Wave Wasn’t… and What Republicans can do about It

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 24, 2022
  • 3-min read

There’s more than a couple of reasons why the expected Red Wave didn’t happen. Here, we’re referring specifically to congressional elections. But there are two reasons that aren’t very sexy but most definitely blunted Republican gains. One is early voting and mail-in balloting.

The second, which pertains to U.S. House contests, is redistricting. Republicans actually won about 6 million more votes in House elections in 2022 than did Democrats. The trouble was that district lines were drawn in such ways that diluted GOP strengths.

Redistricting is mandated by the U.S. Constitution. It isn’t a sexy topic. In fact, it’s sort of wonky, but in redrawing U.S. House district lines in 2021, Republicans were either out maneuvered by Democrats or victims of “redistricting commissions.” That depends on how states decide the every ten years reapportionment of House seats. Democrats were definitely aggressive in New York and New Mexico, drawing lines that lopsidedly favored them. Surprisingly, the New York Supreme Court struck down the Democrats’ grossly gerrymandered map, replacing it with a map that actually allowed Republicans to gain seats. No such thing happened in New Mexico, where Democrats drew lines that cost the GOP the one seat it held.

We can add that the U.S. Census, which was conducted in 2020, undercounted population gains in some red states, while overcounting population in some blue states. That’s more than a little suspicious.

There’s no point into getting deep into the weeds about redistricting. The next round of redistricting happens in 2030, though the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a Civil Rights case about Alabama’s lines being racially discriminatory in early 2023. Nonetheless, the cake is baked.

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2022 Midterms: No Stink on the Republican Establishment?

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 13, 2022
  • 1-min read

Attacks on Donald Trump have begun in the aftermath of the midterm elections. We should have set our watches. Washington’s Republican establishment is pushing the line that the GOP’s underperformance in the midterms is “100%” Trump’s fault. Of course, there’s no stink on D.C. Republicans — not Kevin McCarthy, not Mitch McConnell, not Ronna McDaniel, not Tom Emmer (chairman, RNCC), not GOP consultants and pollsters… Not on any Republican who hangs out at the Capitol Hill Club.

Conservatives shouldn’t be goaded into a Trump versus DeSantis fight. Trump and DeSantis shouldn’t permit themselves to be baited, either. It’s so transparent, it’s laughable. That’s exactly what the establishment is trying. Washington Republicans don’t intend to just knock out Trump, but split conservatives. Is that rank odor wafting through the air from Karl Rove and Jeb! lurking behind the curtains?

Read the full article at American Thinker. Follow this link. Thanks.

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Oz Beats Fetterman?
Well, there’s a Catch

By J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 20, 2022
  • 2-min read

Newsweek reports that Dr. Mehmet Oz is expected to slide past stroke victim and knee-jerk leftist John Fetterman for Pennsylvania’s open U.S. Senate seat.

From the Newsweek report, October 20:

An analysis by Real Clear Politics (RCP), based on opinion polling adjusted to take account of past inaccuracies, projects Oz will win Pennsylvania by 1.9 percent of the vote.

That’s welcome news, except there’s a variable that isn’t being considered: mail-in voting fraud. Pennsylvania is a “No Questions” mail-in balloting state. That means fraud isn’t only possible, but likely. What it’ll boil down to is the scope of the fraud. Will it be sufficient to tip election outcomes?

The Keystone State has made scant reforms to its election system since 2020. Republicans control the legislature and have advanced election reform measures, only to have them struck down by Tom Wolfe, PA’s lameduck Democrat governor.

There’s every reason to believe that a critical, high profile Senate election will be prone to ballot hijinks. Shifting control of the U.S. Senate away from Democrats (Vice President Kamala Harris holds the tie-breaking vote) means a switch of just one seat. So, the stakes are high. The PA contest may decide which party runs the Senate in 2023.

Unfortunately, there’s a back story. Pennsylvania legislative Republicans created this mess. In 2019, many months before the Covid pandemic began, Republicans cut a deal with Wolfe. In exchange for wide-open mail-in balloting and really early voting, straight-ticket voting would be struck from ballots.

Republicans actually thought that they’d benefit from ending straight-ticket voting, while, evidently, not considering what “No Questions” mail-in voting could lead to. It was an asinine deal then that proved disastrous in 2020. The presidential contest was fraught with “irregularities.” Since then, Republicans have tried to walk back this epic stupid deal. Needless to say, Democrats have no interest in reform.

Oz needs more than a 1.9% margin to beat Fetterman. Election fraud – ballot fraud, in particular – thrives on close elections. The greater the margin between a Republican who leads voting and a Democrat, the tougher it is for Democrats to produce enough fraudulent ballots.

Fetterman is physically and mentally incapable of meeting the daily demands of a U.S. Senator. But, then, Joe Biden was and is unable to meet the demands of the presidency. Yet, in key states – critically, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — Biden won… with a little help from Democrats and their allies who have no interest in fair elections when they cut against their candidates.

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