Tag Archives: America

NEWS FEED TUESDAY: Are Millennials Unpatriotic and Socialists?

J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 27, 2019
  • 2 min read

“The values that Americans say define the national character are changing, as younger generations rate patriotism, religion and having children as less important to them than did young people two decades ago,” Wall Street Journal reporter Chad Day wrote about the results.

— Fox News, August 26 2019

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll claims that Millennials are less American than ever before. Less in terms of what defines a traditional American, that is. Less patriotic, less religious, aren’t hep to have kids, and hold more favorable views of socialism.
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Do Spoons Make You Fat?

Rob Meyne

  • Aug. 9, 2019
  • 3 min read

It probably shouldn’t be necessary to expound on the horror of mass shootings. Anyone who doesn’t understand, or share, the sentiment, isn’t deserving of a seat at the table of rational discourse. That said, it’s possible there isn’t an issue where political hypocrisy is more pervasive.

For years, the cry from conservatives was “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”

As clearly truthful as that statement is, it irritates anti-gun folks. More recent permutations of the thought include notions such as “If guns cause murder, spoons make me fat.” Do pens misspell words or computers force you to look at online porn? Many readers no doubt would love to think those are valid excuses. We’ll keep you posted.
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