Tag Archives: Putin

Why the End of the American Empire is Good for the Republic

This past weekend, the Ukrainians fired missiles at Russia. It’s not the first time. U.S. fingerprints are all over this attack, too. It was yet another provocation to war with Russia. A war with Russia wouldn’t be a limited affair, despite the conceits emanating from Washington. And it wouldn’t revolve around Ukraine’s future. It would center on the fate of the American empire.

The Biden administration is pushing brinkmanship with Russia. Of course, that’s a monumental gamble. Washington’s defense and foreign affairs establishment is trying to win through intimidation what Ukraine isn’t winning on battlefields, regardless tens of billions of dollars in U.S. aid and hands-on support. But brinkmanship with Russia opens the door to miscalculations. Triggering a conventional war between the world’s premier nuclear-armed powers risks escalation to nuclear conflict.

Whatever Washington’s reasoning, it’s best to remember that America was never intended to be an empire. It was created as a republic. It was never to roam the globe on moral crusades, which, too many times, were thin disguises for power acquisition and economic exploitation. Our military was for our defense, not a profit center for special interests. We were to have a government of the people, tending to laws that made our society civil and safe. Our government wasn’t supposed to “capture” commerce but referee it to ensure that the rules of the game were fair. Government has become incessantly profligate. We were to be a free, strong, and prosperous people minding our affairs.

Perhaps the end of empire will open the way to the return of the Republic?

Read the full article at American Thinker. Follow this link.

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DC Lifers want Gaza Ceasefire; Where were they with Ukraine?

By J Robert Smith

  • Nov. 14, 2023
  • 3-min read

Per Y! News, November 14:

More than 400 political appointees and staff members representing some 40 government agencies sent a letter to President Joe Biden on Tuesday protesting his support of Israel in its war in the Gaza Strip.

Oh, yeah? So, where have these DC lifers been when it comes to Ukraine? Since the Russian invasion happened in February 2022, mum’s been the word. If estimates are true, anywhere from 400,000-650,000 Ukrainian combatants have lost their lives in that misbegotten conflict. Millions of Ukrainians have fled their country, living as refugees in Central Europe.

Russia has lost 50,000 soldiers by some counts.

Ukraine’s summer offensive pushed by the Biden administration proved a tragic bust. Ukraine has spent itself. It didn’t have to be this way.

Whatever the propaganda from Ukraine and the U.S., the Russians didn’t want war. Putin wanted a negotiated settlement. His primary ask was that Ukraine not join NATO… that Ukraine position itself as unaligned. Period.

At first, the Ukrainians were open to the idea, but Biden’s handlers insisted otherwise. They convinced Zelenskyy to fight. The U.S. would give his regime full backing, including billions of dollars in aid. We’ve learned since that an untold amount of that money was siphoned off and pocketed by By generals and bureaucrats. Corruption is rife in Ukraine.

And let’s not forget that U.S. defense contractors are turning tidy profits off the war.

So, the war happened, but not once – not once – did the usual DC suspects send a letter to Biden calling for a halt to the killing and destruction in Ukraine.

But now they send a letter to Biden asking that his administration insist that Israel halt it’s offensive in Gaza … that humanitarian aid be rendered the Palestinians. Never mind that Hamas leaders are worth billions of dollars.

From NewsNation via MSN:

(NewsNation) — While the people of Gaza are struggling for food, water and medical care, Hamas’ wealthy leadership lives luxuriously in Qatar, according to Israeli officials.

The terrorist group has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007 after winning parliamentary elections and violently seizing control from the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority.

Now, its top three leaders are worth over $11 billion together, according to reports confirmed by the U.S. Treasury.

While there is a web of men who lead the terror organization, Abu Marzouk, Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh are the primary heads, each worth billions. Haniyeh, the “prime minister,” does not live in Gaza and allegedly flies between Turkey and Qatar in a private jet.

So, why this side of the Suez Canal should the U.S. send humanitarian aid to Gaza when Hamas leaders are sitting on billions of dollars in fortunes? Where’s the concern for their fellow Palestinians?

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu insists that the war in Gaza will continue until Hamas is effectively wiped out. He’s not wrong to do so. If similar gruesome attacks had occurred in the U.S. by a (fill in the blank) terrorist group, what do you think our response would be? Would it be unlike the Israelis?

The only way the Israelis should settle is if Hamas is forced from Gaza for good with ironclad guarantees that Hamas or like terrorist outfits will be kept out. The Israelis must be permitted to police Gaza.

Israel is right to wage war. Hamas demonstrated that it’ll engage any savagery to kill Israelis. “No more” is Netanyahu’s cry. As it should be.

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Will Democrats False Flag Us into a War with Russia?

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 15, 2023
  • 1-min read

Mention the Ukraine War to most Americans and their eyes glaze over. A lot of folks can’t locate Ukraine on a map. Yes, that’s partly the fault of our educational system.

Historically, though, if it ain’t happening here at home, it ain’t happening — until the Lusitania sinks or Pearl Harbor is bombed. Vietnam was peripheral until LBJ and the “military-industrial complex” took advantage of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Only then did Americans grab their Rand McNally’s to discover where Vietnam was. Then there was Iraq, Saddam, and “weapons of mass destruction.” But that was a short war and casualties were fewer. People barely had time to unfold maps.

The Ukraine war is still a blip on the radar. Fortunately, more people oppose sending billions to Zelinsky’s corrupt regime. They’re starting to wonder why Biden’s handlers and dazed and confused Mitch McConnell give more of a damn about Ukraine than Maui and East Palestine. But those radar blips may soon balloon. Speculation is afoot that Democrats may provoke a hot war with Russia. A diversion is necessary for 2024.

To read the article in its entirety, go to American Thinker.

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A War with Russia?
Over the Ukraine?
Good Heavens, Why?

By J. Robert Smith

  • Dec. 8, 2021
  • 2-min read

The Ukraine is in Russia’s crosshairs. Vladimir Putin is massing troops, weapons, and equipment along the Ukrainian border. Putin doesn’t want Ukraine to become part of NATO or align with it in any way. He regards that as a direct threat to Russia.

Democrats, neocons, and military contractors are squawking. “We can’t let Russia invade the Ukraine,” they cry. “We must slap sanctions on Russia, make Putin and his fellow oligarchs feel pain,” they say with blood in their eyes. “And if all else fails, the U.S. needs to intervene militarily. Send troops! Bomb Russia!”

Anyone outside the DC establishment think this is sheer madness? Must we explain why a rush to confrontation and conflict with the Russians is folly?

Proving that the contemporary madness plaguing our society isn’t exclusive to Democrats and the left, Mississippi GOP senator Roger Wicker isn’t ruling out nuclear war over the developing Ukrainian crisis.

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NEWS FEED TUESDAY: The Reasons for Nadler’s Impeachment Obsession

Old foes

J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 3, 2019
  • 2 min read

House lawmakers will return to the Capitol from a lengthy summer vacation to find that they are already in the midst of an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

They have taken no vote on the matter, but Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat, has repeatedly told federal judges in recent weeks that it’s exactly what he is doing as he investigates Mr. Trump’s behavior toward Russia and suspected efforts to thwart FBI and special counsel investigations.

— Washington Times, September 2, 2019
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