Tag Archives: 9/11

The Presidential Debate won’t Decide the Election

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 11, 2024
  • 3-min read

Look, no spin here. Donald Trump had a better debate against Biden. On Tuesday night, he looked tired and grumpy. Harris successfully baited Trump, who spent too much time on defense. Yes, the ABC News moderates were biased as hell. It was Harris and ABC News versus Trump. But did anyone expect otherwise?

Trump missed some golden opportunities to frame the election as a referendum on Biden-Harris. Truth is, Trump let Harris frame the contest as a referendum on him – for only a bit, if Trump and his team use the post-debate to dissect Harris’ lies and reposition this race as an up-or-down vote on nearly four miserable years of the Biden-Harris regime.

Kamala Harris? She came off as a bitch: lecturing, scolding, taunting. That won’t play well among a segment of independent voters who don’t want a nasty grade school teacher to be president. Male voters – younger males, in particular – will find Harris’ “Badass Momma” routine off-putting. It’ll be interesting to see how Harris’ performance registers among black men, who may be as turned off by woman wagging a finger in Trump’s face as are other male cohorts. Trump shut up Harris twice for interrupting, which was very good.

However canned Harris’ answers were, she didn’t come across as a ditz. That’s going to allay concerns among some independents about Harris’ competency to serve as president. She isn’t competent, but that’s the Trump campaign’s challenge in the coming days: peel back Harris’ facade.

The big takeaway is that much will happen in the coming days to shape the outcome of this election. The debate is just one battle. Trump has to do what he hasn’t done strongly enough so far: make the focus on Biden-Harris – on hurting working and middle income Americans with higher prices on everything. On choking off domestic energy production, which is the economy’s lifeblood. On deliberately collapsing the border. On crime. On using the law to not only persecute Trump, but many others.

And finally… finally… this election is about ballots. Trump must beat the margin of theft this November. If you don’t expect Democrats to “creatively” ballot in jurisdictions they control in swing states, you didn’t live through the 2020 presidential race. In my estimation, beating the cheat means defeating Harris in battleground states (or the right combination of swing states) by more than 3%. 5% might be what Trump needs to win. Getting pro-Trump voters casting ballots is imperative.

However unevenly Trump did in the debate, it’s only a round in this fight. Cliché as this is, the presidential contest will serve as an historic pivot. Either we move to recapture our liberties or we continue to march toward some form of tyranny. Transforming America comes down to tyrannizing America.

Trump’s election is terribly critical in ending the march of would-be tyrants and rebuilding a free republic. Let’s keep our eyes on the ball.

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21 Years After 9/11 and We Still Can’t Say, “Islamic Terrorism”

By J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 11, 2022
  • 3-min read

It’s Sunday, September 11, 2022 – that’s 21 years after the horrific events of September 11, 2001. Nearly a generation has passed.

I was watching Fox News coverage this morning of the 9/11 ceremonies at what once was the site of New York’s Twin Towers. That ceremony is always a sobering reminder that there are bad guys in the world who won’t hesitate to kill Americans on our on soil if given the chance. They’ll kill indiscriminately – the old, young, women, babies, handicapped – whomever.

In watching the coverage, I noticed that Fox hosts and commentators described the 9/11 attackers as simply “terrorists.” They expressed the concern that no other terrorists or “militants” (the other word employed) ever again rain destruction on the U.S. It was clear that the Fox crew wasn’t going discuss why the 9/11 attacks happened. They weren’t going to identify the attackers as Islamic or Muslim terrorists.

In fact, the terrorists who engineered and executed the attacks in NYC and DC – and who commandeered Flight 93 that heroic passengers brought down in a farm field near Shanksville, PA – most certainly had religious motivations (albeit fanatical) in doing so. 9/11 was, by these villains’ lights, jihad – an act of war premised and justified by Islam. Saying that, there’s no claim here that most Muslims are fanatically driven, though the 9/11 hijackers (commonly believed to be led by Muhammed Atta) were lauded by radical Muslims overseas).

Why the 9/11 attacks happened matter more than the when, what, and how. If we fail to acknowledge the motivations that Atta and his conspirators had, don’t we risk having other Islamic terrorists attempt the scale of attacks that occurred 21 years ago? That we haven’t experienced any other large-scale attacks is a credit to our vigilance. But, thanks to Joe Biden and the leftists who run his administration, our southern border is now wide-opened. It’s not just poor, migrant farm workers violating our laws entering the U.S. Among them are probably Islamic terrorists – and others willing to do harm to Americans. Being vigilant at airports isn’t enough.

In the immediate aftermath of 9/11 to this day, the notion has been pushed that screening measures at airports and other public transportation hubs had to be applied equally. “Profiling” was deemed discriminatory. So, 75-year-old, blue-eyed, rosy-cheeked grandmas are pulled out line and searched as if they’re likely to blow up a plane. It’s absurdity in the name of equality. Police, TSA, and other security pros know it’s absurd. They know that people matching certain profiles are where Islamic terrorists are to be found. The Israelis have used profiling effectively for decades.

Of course, as the future unfolds, it doesn’t mean that terrorist threats will originate exclusively among Muslim peoples. Terrorism is a means. Radical Muslims don’t own the franchise. Looking ahead, terrorism may come from Mexico, for example. Emboldened drug cartels there are really paramilitary outfits. If drug lords see terrorism as a tool to protect or advance their interests, they’d have no compunction using it.

What about among Russians, as another example? As divisions with the West harden and grow, might we not see “unconventional warfare” originating from Russia? If we do, the focus of our policing and security needs to align with that threat.

We can’t just stop “terrorism,” as if it’s a generic threat to Americans’ welfare and safety. We have to know who is perpetrating terrorist acts and why. Understanding and accepting the root causes of terrorism is critical to preventing it.

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NEWS FEED WEDNESDAY: Heroism Versus Trauma in 9/11 Coverage

J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 11, 2019
  • 2 min read

“They made the decision we didn’t have to make.”

Those are the words of Lt. Col. Marc Sasseville, as recalled 18 years later in a new account of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks from the perspective of decision-makers in Washington, survivors, military service members and the families of those aboard United Flight 93, which was hijacked before passengers fought back and brought the plane down.

— Fox News, September 11, 2019
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NEWS FEED TUESDAY: Time to Leave Afghanistan?

J Robert Smith

  • Sept. 10, 2019
  • 2 min read

A premature U.S. pullout from Afghanistan will fulfill the late Osama bin Laden’s prophecy, which he based on America’s Vietnam experience, that the United States has no staying power and all the terrorists have to do is wait us out.

— Cal Thomas, Washington Times, September 9, 2019


President Trump has the audacity to want to wind down the Afghanistan occupation. It’s an occupation, because almost 18 years later is it still a war?
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