Tag Archives: Deep State

What the Elites Don’t Want You to Say about Trump’s Conviction

Per the dictates of corporate media and sober establishment Republicans, I’ll refrain from declaring Trump’s conviction worthy of a Cuban or Venezuelan or even a Columbian court. You know, Columbia, where that paragon of virtue, presiding Judge Juan Marchan, hails from. Oh, heavens, perish the thought that Marchan’s querida hija, an equally virtuous Democrat stalwart, isn’t mining the Trump indictment and conviction for all the loot she can haul off. And roly-poly Alvin Bragg isn’t in cahoots with Biden’s Justice Department. The Number Three guy at DoJ, Mathew Colangelo, left his gig to join Bragg’s prosecution team just to help a little.

Democrat jurors in a Democrat run courtroom in deep blue Manhattan rendered fair and impartial justice. Trump deserved conviction. He poses an ‘existential threat” to our overlords’ grip on power. A Trump win this autumn is ominous for elites and us, their minions.

Imagine an America without the Biden administration? What would happen to the economy, the border, crime? Cities would go all Clockwork Orange. Without the establishment, neocons righteous quest for war with Russia – and put up your dukes, China and Iran – would come to naught. How would the military-industrial complex survive? Perhaps a big, beautiful war with Russia will be the marvelous October late summer surprise we’re awaiting?

We mustn’t question anything about the Trump verdict. Think that good Chinese and Russian citizens question court verdicts? Just send Bragg a baker’s dozen Dunkin’ Donuts and celebrate the rule of law, as splendid Republican defenders of order insist we do. Trump’s sentencing? Why, pure coincidence that it’s happening four days before the Republican National Convention kicks off in Milwaukee.

We won’t dis Trump’s conviction anyway, anyhow. What we’ll say is that the days ahead look full of tropical storms gathering force and merging into a helluva hurricane. Battening down the hatches ain’t gonna be good enough.

Why is worse coming? As we’ve learned over the last, bitter nine years, the clash isn’t so much between two Americas. The preeminent fight is elites versus most of the rest of us. The elite are a tawdry mix of cynics who want power for profit and Jacobins whose neurotic obsession is to remake our lives, right down to what we say, eat, and do. They won’t be satisfied until we’re ant farm drudges.

You might believe that convicting Trump in a show trial was the worst. Yet, on July 11 at Trump’s sentencing, what happens if 45 is forced to appear Marchan’s circus wearing an orange jumpsuit and cuffs? You know Marchan is salivating like Biden with a triple scoop ice cream cone in hand to do just that. Yes, Trump’s appeals will forego imprisonment for a time.

If that spectacle doesn’t tank Trump’s poll numbers – his conviction has failed to dent his numbers so far – elites’ heads will detonate sometime thereafter. If their best punches aren’t bringing him down, what will?

What will is the big question. How desperate will elites get, to what extreme are they willing to go? Tucker Carlson has said he thinks Trump’s life is endanger. Trump and his Secret Service detail always have to contend with haters and lunatics who want him dead. But what about the establishment? If lawfare fails. If election rigging fails. How far is the establishment willing to go to stop Trump? It’s a sobering thought. Unfortunately, today we have to wonder.

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Did the FBI Raid Mar-a-Lago to Protect… the FBI?

By J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 21, 2022
  • 2-min read

The FBI’s raid on Donald Trump’s Florida compound violated his 4th Amendment rights against baseless searches and seizures. The raid may have more to do with than just trying to scuttle Trump’s anticipated 2024 presidential run.

The FBI may have undertaken the raid to seize sensitive documents related to the Crossfire Hurricane fiasco and the blatant smear-and-destroy campaign known as the “Russia Collusion Hoax.” It’s quite possible that higher ups in the FBI were worried that Trump, if elected in 2024, would use the documentation as a basis to appoint special prosecutors. The prospect of opening investigations into Democrat and Deep State wrongdoing, including the FBI, seems to have been a big motivation. Investigations, mind you, that could lead to indictments and prosecutions, which could result in convictions.

From The Epoch Times, August 19:

The DOJ’s coordinated FBI raid of Trump was likely related to the potential unsealing and public presentation of this information—particularly in relation to Trump’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) suit against Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and former FBI officials like former Director James Comey, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former agent Peter Strzok, and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page—and his amended RICO suit, which added more defendants.

It appears that the fix is in, starting with those orchestrating the Mar-a-Lago raid. From The Epoch Times, August 19:

Former FBI counterintelligence official and lawyer Mark Wauck said he is troubled by signs that the same cast of characters from the Russiagate scandal appears to be involved in the Mar-a-Lago investigation.

“If these people, who were part of a major hoax that involved criminal activity and displays of bias and seriously flawed judgment, are still involved, then that’s a major scandal,” he said in an interview.

Why do we know that the FBI is up to no good? This from World Tribune, August 20:

What if your superiors or colleagues [at the FBI] have betrayed your bedrock principals for political or financial purpose? What if you find yourself involved in the highly-charged investigations involving Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? What if you were handed that ultimate hot potato, the abandoned laptop of the son of a certain former vice president?

Forced to choose between sworn duty and a leadership that has become alarmingly partisan, you know there is great risk in coming forward. You must be willing to abandon your career, your colleagues, and your personal security.

When one whistleblower was asked if he was concerned about coming forward with his information, his response was: “I’m more worried about what happens if I don’t.”

Often, things aren’t what they appear to be – or aren’t entirely what they appear to be. It’s very, very likely that the Mar-a-Lago raid was primarily about seizing sensitive documents that incriminate Democrats, DOJ and FBI players. The establishment is always determined to protect its own.

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The Trials Ahead

J Robert Smith

  • Jan. 13, 2021
  • 5 min read

During last Friday night’s Twitter purge, if I read it once, I read it dozens of times: posters sense of shock that a mass expulsion was underway. Two of the more common exclamations were: “This is unreal!” and “Unbelievable!” These lamentations came from some notable names, too. I was astonished that people – particularly those who should know better – were astonished. Then in the wee hours of Saturday morning, having witnessed enough virtual carnage, I deactivated my Twitter account, never to resurrect it – short of the miraculous: Jack Dorsey selling his misbegotten enterprise to Donald J. Trump.

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NEWSFEED WEEKEND: Will Democrats & the Deep State Come for You?

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 12, 2019
  • 3 min read

The X-Files once had a tagline for describing administrative state nefariousness: Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate. Clearly, that is the mantra for the parts of the intelligence community that are still beholden to Obama’s bewitching ideological spell (as well as the Clinton family’s implied threats against any who dare to oppose their unjust claim to power).

— The American Spectator, October 2, 2019
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