Tag Archives: Vaccines

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Conceit, Lies, Greed, & the COVID Debacle

By J Robert Smith

  • Jan. 10, 2022
  • 1-min read

Hubris, not COVID, presents the greater existential threat to America.

If you haven’t seen the CDC map of COVID (CDC Interactive Map: Community Transmission in the US by County), it’s practically all red, meaning transmission is at its highest level (see above). The U.S. is awash in COVID infections. After nearly two years –- and heaven knows how much money and resources spent and how much wreckage –- COVID hasn’t been whipped, as laughable old Joe Biden vowed. In fact, as viruses do, COVID is spawning variants.

The saving grace is that the Omicron strain appears to be milder, signaling a wind-down. Hospitalizations and deaths from Omicron appear lower.

Per the virology, viruses “shift” or “drift.” Drifted viruses change gradually, allowing your immune system to provide “cross-protection.” Shifted viruses (COVID) represent an “abrupt, major change” and can trigger epidemics or pandemics. Viruses typically drift, because killing off hosts isn’t much of a survival strategy. Nature, not man, is resolving the contagion, as was the case with the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-19. For sensible people, that should be a sobering realization.

Yet, sensibleness isn’t so common. The critical question is: Will enough of us draw the right lessons from the pandemic or are we doomed to repeat our mistakes again and again? And not just mistakes in the public health sphere.

The complete article can be found here: American Thinker. Thank you!

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Nothing Separates Freedom-Loving People from Fascists Like A Pandemic


  • Aug. 15, 2021
  • 2-min read

The country’s response to the Coronavirus is the most damaging self-imposed event in our history. We have accepted the capricious and arbitrary taking of our rights with stunning passivity. I used to think Americans would in large numbers rise up and put a stop to massive efforts to eliminate freedoms. I thought it could never stand. Unfortunately, it seems I was wrong.

I hope the pendulum eventually swings back toward freedom. But I wouldn’t count on it.
Look at a few examples.

When conservatives, Trump supporters, or free speech advocates held rallies, they were called super spreader events. They were called destructive, selfish, dangerous, and murderers.

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Our Liberty versus their Tyranny: Two Articles Worth Reading

Don’t surrender your freedom to “experts” and politicians

J Robert Smith

  • Aug. 10, 2021
  • 4 min read

This afternoon, I’m recommending two articles for you to read.

One is by Daniel Horowitz at The Blaze. (Horowitz: No, this is not an epidemic of the unvaccinated)

It’s a deeper dive into COVID vaccinations possible impact on individual and public health. Horowitz’s analysis is thoughtful and strongly sourced, as always.
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