Tag Archives: Mitt Romney

Apparently, You Don’t Have to Work Hard to Be President

Rob Meyne

  • Nov. 8, 2020
  • 5 min read

As we predicted, the 2020 election will make history. At this point, no winner is certified, although some media outlets have called Biden the winner. Although much of this story remains to be written, let’s offer a few observations as of today.

First, there was no blue wave. Whatever happens to the presidential contest, those who repeatedly predicted a Democratic landslide were wrong. Notably, many of those who were wrong on this point are former Republicans, RINOs, previously relevant prognosticators like Bill Kristol, or failed national candidates like Mitt Romney. Most of these anti-Trumpers predicted Trump would crash and burn and bring the entire GOP slate with it. They could not have been more wrong.

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This Time, It Really Is the Most Important Election of Our Lifetimes

Hunter Biden

Rob Meyne

  • Oct. 27, 2020
  • 5 min read

A good rule for politics, if not in life, is this: when people tell you what they are going to do, listen. If someone is threatening to castrate you, don’t hand them a razor and say, “I don’t think they’re really going to do it.” While campaign promises in general are often not kept, those that increase the power of the victor usually take high priority. The Democratic leaders are telling America, both implicitly and explicitly, this: if they win the House, Senate, and White House, they’ll do whatever it takes to undo what Trump has accomplished. Note the astonishingly cynical nature of it all. Most leaders, like Chuck Schumer, are plainly, nakedly admitting that, first chance they get, they will turn over the board and dump all of the chess pieces on the floor. Entirely and exclusively because they lost.

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Debunking the Big Lie Under the Big Sky


  • May 11, 2020
  • 4 min read

While Gov. Bullock will campaign as a moderate Democrat who will take Western values to Washington, his actions are sure to be different from his words.


A recent poll of the Montana Senate campaign projecting Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock leading first-term Republican Sen. Steve Daines is making the media rounds, and its flaws must be exposed because the results are misleading.

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NEWSFEED MONDAY: Will Senate RINOs Vote to Remove Trump?

J Robert Smith

  • Oct. 14, 2019
  • 3 min read

What is impeachment for? Seems like a simple question. Constitutionally speaking, it also appears to have a simple answer: to cite and remove from power a president guilty of wrongdoing.

Aye, there’s the rub. What sort of wrongdoing warrants removal from power?

There is rage over Trump’s decision. It is rage over a policy choice, not over high crimes and misdemeanors. Only the most blindly angry can doubt the lawfulness of the commander-in-chief’s movement of U.S. soldiers, even though it rendered inevitable the Turks’ rout of the Kurds.

— Andrew McCarthy, National Review via Fox News, October 12, 2019
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