What the Elites Don’t Want You to Say about Trump’s Conviction

Per the dictates of corporate media and sober establishment Republicans, I’ll refrain from declaring Trump’s conviction worthy of a Cuban or Venezuelan or even a Columbian court. You know, Columbia, where that paragon of virtue, presiding Judge Juan Marchan, hails from. Oh, heavens, perish the thought that Marchan’s querida hija, an equally virtuous Democrat stalwart, isn’t mining the Trump indictment and conviction for all the loot she can haul off. And roly-poly Alvin Bragg isn’t in cahoots with Biden’s Justice Department. The Number Three guy at DoJ, Mathew Colangelo, left his gig to join Bragg’s prosecution team just to help a little.

Democrat jurors in a Democrat run courtroom in deep blue Manhattan rendered fair and impartial justice. Trump deserved conviction. He poses an ‘existential threat” to our overlords’ grip on power. A Trump win this autumn is ominous for elites and us, their minions.

Imagine an America without the Biden administration? What would happen to the economy, the border, crime? Cities would go all Clockwork Orange. Without the establishment, neocons righteous quest for war with Russia – and put up your dukes, China and Iran – would come to naught. How would the military-industrial complex survive? Perhaps a big, beautiful war with Russia will be the marvelous October late summer surprise we’re awaiting?

We mustn’t question anything about the Trump verdict. Think that good Chinese and Russian citizens question court verdicts? Just send Bragg a baker’s dozen Dunkin’ Donuts and celebrate the rule of law, as splendid Republican defenders of order insist we do. Trump’s sentencing? Why, pure coincidence that it’s happening four days before the Republican National Convention kicks off in Milwaukee.

We won’t dis Trump’s conviction anyway, anyhow. What we’ll say is that the days ahead look full of tropical storms gathering force and merging into a helluva hurricane. Battening down the hatches ain’t gonna be good enough.

Why is worse coming? As we’ve learned over the last, bitter nine years, the clash isn’t so much between two Americas. The preeminent fight is elites versus most of the rest of us. The elite are a tawdry mix of cynics who want power for profit and Jacobins whose neurotic obsession is to remake our lives, right down to what we say, eat, and do. They won’t be satisfied until we’re ant farm drudges.

You might believe that convicting Trump in a show trial was the worst. Yet, on July 11 at Trump’s sentencing, what happens if 45 is forced to appear Marchan’s circus wearing an orange jumpsuit and cuffs? You know Marchan is salivating like Biden with a triple scoop ice cream cone in hand to do just that. Yes, Trump’s appeals will forego imprisonment for a time.

If that spectacle doesn’t tank Trump’s poll numbers – his conviction has failed to dent his numbers so far – elites’ heads will detonate sometime thereafter. If their best punches aren’t bringing him down, what will?

What will is the big question. How desperate will elites get, to what extreme are they willing to go? Tucker Carlson has said he thinks Trump’s life is endanger. Trump and his Secret Service detail always have to contend with haters and lunatics who want him dead. But what about the establishment? If lawfare fails. If election rigging fails. How far is the establishment willing to go to stop Trump? It’s a sobering thought. Unfortunately, today we have to wonder.

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Their Ways are Intimidation and Violence

By J Robert Smith

  • June 2, 2024
  • 3-min read

After Donald Trump’s sham conviction last week, South Carolina Congressman Benny Thompson (D) introduced legislation to pull Secret Service protection from Trump. Thompson, the chair of the defuncted J6 inquisition, couldn’t have done so without knowing the consequences. Nor were Biden’s handlers ignorant of the consequences when they denied RFK Jr.’s requests for protection. Nor did Biden’s White House not know what could happen when security was shorted at conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Thompson knows that without Secret Service protection, Trump’s life is endangered. Even with private security, Trump’s risk increases.

Trump is the target of every left-wing hater and lunatic across the country. That hellish lot make up an indispensable Democrat constituency. From that pool are the ones eager to break things and hurt people. Of course, Trump can afford private security. But not in prison, where an in-your-face hack Democrat masquerading as a judge – Juan Marchan – plans to sentence Trump. That sentencing will occur on July 11, just days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. No bare-knuckled politics to see here, so move on.

But, heaven forbid, if Trump was attacked and his private security had to dispatch the attacker(s). It better happen in Florida or another red state. Otherwise, a Democrat hatchet man dressed up like a DA would indict Trump for murder. Do you really think that’s an exaggeration?

Thompson is a member of the Democrat minority in the U.S. House. His legislation won’t gain traction. The ballast we call House Republicans is good for at least inertia. But his legislation is more than window dressing. When Trump is sentenced, expect Thompson to make a full-throated call to withdraw protection. Thompson’s voice won’t be a voice in the wilderness. Since Democrats coordinate their hit jobs, Democrats and corporate media will manufacture an outcry.

Remember, prisons are convenient places to have troublesome people killed.

As if on cue, Profiles in Courage Republicans will mostly keep silent. Some will stand at podiums to beclown themselves by claiming that while Trump’s conviction is a bitter pill, we must abide by the rule of law – as if that transparently fraudulent proceeding in Manhattan wasn’t a good, old-fashioned fix. Who’s worse, the perpetrators of this injustice or their enablers?

But don’t dare publicly question the Trump trial or conviction. As Mike Benz (Foundation for Freedom Online) stated at X, “we’re at the stage where the system just straight-up tells you you can’t question the system.”

You have to hand it to the DC establishment, which at its heart is that bundle of intelligence and security bureaucracies who Schumer, Jefferies, and Pelosi bend knees to – and RINOs fear. They’ve received only scattered pushback for their crimes. The giant hasn’t been wakened yet, and that giant is the American majority – decent, hardworking, God-fearing, family and country loving Americans.

What’s the necessary pushback from our side? As conservative wags like Sean Davis have suggested at X, it’s time for red state DAs to begin indicting Democrats and Deep Staters for legitimate crimes. No need to twist the law as Democrats have done to indict Trump and others. Legit indictments for legit crimes.

Then, as Mike Benz suggests, red states need to become sanctuary states for freedom’s friends. That is, red states need to provide safe haven to liberty stalwarts who are targeted for malicious prosecution or other destruction in blue states.

Finally, support Trump. Yes, a financial contribution helps – whatever you can afford. The Trump campaign smashed records raising more money in the 24 hours following his sham conviction than any other presidential campaign has done in a 24-hour period. Give what you can. Money is critical.

Talk to family and friends who are willing to listen. If the DC establishment swipes the ’24 presidential election, it will brazenly double down shutting down our rights, starting with our 1st Amendment rights to free speech and peaceful assembly. Become ambassadors for Trump’s election. Never surrender. We are the majority. Working together, we will prevail.

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Memorial Day, 2024:
In Honor of the Fallen

By J. Robert Smith

  • May 27, 2024
  • 2-min read

Today, we honor the men and women who sacrificed their lives to either defend the nation, or in the case of the Revolution, create the nation. According to Statista, approximately 1.3 million soldiers died fighting for liberty or protecting it.

While Memorial Day has become the traditional holiday weekend kickoff to summer – a time for pool openings and cookouts – take a minute to remember those who served us, many of whom were young men. They surrendered their lives. They’d never know the joys and challenges of living to ripe, old ages. Remember them in prayer. Remember them.

And, remember, that wars are ugly and destructive affairs. Modern wars can be catastrophic. Our presidents and members of Congress must dedicate themselves to safeguarding the nation while keeping the peace. A newer generation of leadership has no memory of Word War II, Korea, and Vietnam. They have scant memory of the Cold War. It would do them well to delve into the histories of those conflicts.

It’s vital to better acquaint themselves with the Cold War, which could have resulted in unimaginable nuclear conflict. Presidents from Truman to the elder Bush navigated the nation through one of the most treacherous periods in our history. Preparedness there was, flashpoints there were, but also a good deal of prudence and restraint were exercised to keep the peace.

The U.S. won the Cold War without catastrophe. The challenge, as we move into the second quarter of the 21st Century, is to avoid miscalculations that may result in major war with Russia and/or China – both nuclear armed countries. Statecraft isn’t an option. It’s a necessity.

During Donald Trump’s presidency, international tensions were lighter. Trump skillfully maneuvered to avoid conflict with Russia and China. He sought to resolve differences with China through dialogue, negotiations, and trade sanctions.

Today, those who run the Biden administration (Biden is practically a figurehead) rattle swords. They’re inching us closer to conflict with Russia. Trump’s election matters in many important ways, but one way is ending the jingoism and thoughtless risk-taking exhibited by Biden’s handlers. The fear is that a lame duck term for Biden might unleash those in his administration who’ve learned nothing from history and are hellbent on conflict with Russia. Two nuclear-armed powers have never squared off in a conventional war. The risk of escalation is obvious – or should be. Trump’s election is critical.

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Biden’s Failings Make Trump Look Like A Saint

By Anthony Trevlac

  • May 24, 2024
  • 3 min read

One of the saddest and least accurate themes you hear from Dems/anti-Trumpers/Dem Socialists is that Trump is somehow uniquely despicable. As any reasonable person knows, all human beings are flawed. And Trump is often unkind in his comments and takes on unnecessary arguments. There is much about him I do not like.

The key, though, is that America was much better off under Trump if you look at metrics involving things like inflation, war, crime, drug deaths, and the open border. Trump haters, though, don’t like to talk about issues, because they know Biden’s record is indefensible. So, they tend to claim Trump is just a foul person, as if Biden isn’t.

The argument, essentially, is that Biden may be pushing us toward nuclear war, but Trump is mean, and we don’t like his tweets. Somehow, they look at this situation and conclude they should vote for Biden.

Trump’s faults would be more meaningful and persuasive IF his main opponent was better. He is not. You can admit it, or you can be willfully ignorant, your choice, but Biden is provably immoral and detestable. Plus, the evidence is overwhelming that he and his family have received many millions in direct payoffs from our foreign adversaries.

The House of Representatives has already documented – proven – the Bidens received tens of millions funneled through scores of LLCs that were created JUST TO RECEIVE the bribes. This money was not paid for any actual work done; they were just payments, and they ended up in the hands of more than a dozen family members, including Biden grandchildren. Even Hunter’s business partners have testified that Joe was part of the shakedown and that Joe received money from it. The proof is there. If you are ignoring it, you are part of the problem. Sorry.

Again, your choices are to pretend it isn’t true, be willfully ignorant, or just hate Trump so much you don’t care how horrible the other choice is.

As ONE example, consider this: Ashley Biden, his daughter, has written extensively that she was coerced into taking showers with her dad, Joe, when she was far too old for it to be even remotely acceptable. She considers herself a sexual molestation victim. And she blames Joe’s abuse of her to be the main reason she has a problem with sexual addiction. She discusses all of it in her diary, which became public, and has admitted it is hers. IT IS HER DIARY.

If we had a reasonable media, or if the American people really gave a shit about the facts and the corruption of our leaders, this would have been front page news for years. Joe would have, and should have, been driven out of office. But this story receives little attention. If you are interested, even Newsweek and MSNBC have admitted her diary is real, and she has never walked away from its content.

Hate Trump? Good for you. How you use that to justify voting for a pedophile is astonishing.

Biden also lied for years about the driver who killed his wife and kid, claiming he was drunk; he was not, and eventually Biden apologized for it. Biden said poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Biden claimed Obama was the first “clean” black man to run for high office. Biden and his AG have long argued that black Americans need special treatment because they are either too stupid or otherwise incapable of accessing legal help, using computers, or even getting ID. Biden had to drop out of previous runs for the presidency because of plagiarism. He has lied about his academic record, going to jail for supporting Nelson Mandela, and defends racism and discrimination against high-achieving Asian Americans in higher ed. Hunter Biden even paid tens of thousands in “rent” to his dad and paid his household expenses with the money he had coerced foreign interests into giving him. The list goes on.

Trump is flawed – so are you and me. Trump was excoriated for making crude comments about his treatment of women, crude “locker room” talk that is disgusting and embarrassing. THAT receives nearly daily coverage. Biden molesting his daughter, however, hardly makes a ripple in the news. If you are OK with that, vote for the “pedo.” If not, grow a spine and vote for Trump or Kennedy. But not Biden.

The nation is at risk and too many Americans are asleep at the switch.

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Communism’s Fundamental Error – And It’s a Big One

By Anthony Trevlac

  • May 6, 2024
  • 6-min read

If socialism ever officially ends up on the ash heap of history, where it certainly belongs, it will be because it is based at least one fundamental error. There is a fatal flaw in its basic approach that no amount of misdirection, finger-pointing, or excuse-making can overcome.

The problem is that socialism/Marxism/Democratic Socialism are all based on the assumption that groups are the dominant and fundamental operating units in a society. That notion is wrong. The embrace of it undermines everything on which it is based.

The individual is the building block of society, here and in every other nation. This has been true from the moment the first primordial sign of life appeared on the planet. This was billions of years ago, even before Keith Richards was born.

To recognize the primacy of the individual is not to say what government wants to be true: it is a statement about what is true. Opinions have no more impact on this than they do on determining the freezing temperature of water.

Putin or Xi or Biden can develop policies, tactics, and strategies that try to force groups to do something. But the people those policies affect react as individuals, not groups.

They may give an order to share food equally. But lots of people will disobey it given half a chance. They will care more about their own child than about another’s. They will care more about themselves than their neighbor. They may disobey any and every directive if they disagree with it, think ignoring it will help them, and are unlikely to be punished for their recalcitrance.

Lots of individuals will disobey an order if they can do it without getting shot or otherwise sanctioned. The fact that people don’t act in unison, without fail, every time, means that disparate outcomes are a certainty.

The exercise of executive fiat at the state and national levels led to disastrous policies during. Certainly, millions of people just said “ok” when told to wear a mask or stay home, but millions also told authorities to take a long walk on a short pier. This historical exercise should have told our government that trying to herd these cats is a pointless effort and doomed to fail.

One is astonished at time at how many people seem to just love to follow rules. They can’t want to be told what to do. And huge swaths of them don’t even give it a second thought. The feds say we have to wear yellow shirts, walk backwards, and yell “Spongebob rules” incessantly. Let’s do it! Don’t ask questions. Have they ever lied to us before?

Well, yes, they have.

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A Right to Voice Antisemitism?

By J Robert Smith

  • May 2, 2024
  • 6-min read

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh (he of “What is a Woman” fame) aired a segment from his show last week at X. Walsh addressed Governor Greg Abbott’s crackdown on anti-Israeli/pro-Hamas protests at Texas colleges. Abbott declared, in effect, that there wasn’t room in the Lone Star State for antisemites. In fact, yes, there is.

As odious as antisemitism is, Americans have rights to be antisemitic – anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-white, anti-black, anti-homosexual, anti-heterosexual. You get the point. We have rights to our prejudices no matter how vile. Moreover, we have a right to public expression of those biases. We’re free to assemble with likeminded people so long as assemblies are peaceful and laws are obeyed. On the other hand, we’re free to condemn bigots and haters. We should. We can gather publicly to do so if we care to.

Eruptions of lawlessness and violence at Columbia, Harvard, and UCLA in the last 48 hours underscore that protesters had no interest in civil demonstrations. Threats and acts of intimidation toward Jewish students are appalling. Arrests have been made and charges filed. Penalties should be stiff, though societal permissiveness and affluent parents’ checkbooks are likely to shield student-violators from tough consequences.

But, mind you, mass arrests haven’t happened because students expressed a noxious mix of antisemitism and pro-Hamas sentiments. They acted criminally.

Here’s Abbott’s statement, posted at X, that Walsh reacted to:

“Arrests being made right now & will continue until the crowd disperses. These protesters belong in jail. Antisemitism will not be tolerated in Texas. Period. Students joining in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at any public college or university in Texas should be expelled.”

Abbott’s declaration swings and misses, unless he meant to grandstand. While condemning students’ antisemitism, he skipped mentioning lawbreaking. Was Abbott playing to the passions of the moment? Was he simply venting his own disgust?

Perhaps Abbott assumed that the public understood? He’d enforce the law and restore order, not deprive anyone of their rights. But when passions run high, clearer language is required.

Protesters don’t belong in jail for repugnant speech. But when speech crosses a line – threatening violence toward persons – protections are forfeited. Real violence – harming persons, property destruction, and/or causing mayhem – are felonies. There are also misdemeanor infractions like trespassing. Columbia University failed to deal swiftly with lawbreakers. The consequence was to embolden lawbreaking on campus.

Under Ron DeSantis’ leadership, the University of Florida laid down clear ground rules for protests. The university issued a statement defining boundaries.

The Citizen Free Press posted the university’s statement at its X account. The statement listed dos and don’ts for protesters. It made clear that lawbreaking and/or failure to comply with the institution’s rules would result in penalties. Under the header, “Consequences for Noncompliance,” the statement read that “[i]ndividuals found responsible for engaging in prohibited activities shall be trespassed from the campus. Students will receive a three year trespass and suspension. Employees will be trespassed and separated from employment.” Florida State troopers and campus police haven’t hesitated cracking down on violators.

The University of Florida’s directive addressed acceptable and prohibited behavior. It didn’t address cause for protest. Not that leaders should remain mum in the face of vitriol directed at Jews or others. There’s a moral imperative to speak up. But upholding the law is a governor’s chief obligation.

Should college students be expelled for joining hate-filled protests on campuses, as Abbott recommends? Should peaceful antisemitic crowds be disperse for hate speech? What is “hate speech?” Who makes the determination?

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Plenty of Blame to Go Around In Education

By Anthony Trevlac

  • April 29, 2024
  • 4-min read

Most Americans have long recognized that education is a prerequisite for happiness, success, and well-being. It is also fair to say there is a widespread feeling that our schools are failing us.

There is a lot of debate about what to do to improve our schools, but it is important to remember they do not operate in a vacuum. Public education reflects the values in our communities, our nation, and ourselves.

Teachers and administrators should be held accountable, but our educational system can only do so much when the environment in which our children are raised has changed so dramatically. There is enough blame to go around. If our schools aren’t good enough, it is also important to ask if we are good enough.

The disintegration of the family is key. Most black children in the 1960’s had two-parent households. Most today do not. About three-fourths of black children in America today are born to unmarried women.

Only the most naïve of us – or the most willfully ignorant – would deny the devastating effect this has had on the ability of children to concentrate in school, get support at home, follow good role models, and stay out of trouble. Children from intact, two-parent homes perform better on every important metric.

Then there is the worst self-inflicted wound in our history. America shut down the economy and public education during Covid. Millions of us complained at the time and were widely reviled by those people who think you should just fall in line.

We objected to the loss of freedom and predicted it would result in terrible long-term damage to the economy. Many unconstitutional actions were taken, and sanctions were applied randomly. Why was it OK to go to Lowe’s or Kroger, but not to Larry’s Hardware or Sam’s grocery? Why was it safe to wait in line at Wal-Mart but not to wait in line to vote?

Those who defend our response to Covid claim we didn’t know much about it, we learned as we went along, and we did our best. That certainly is a charitable way to look at things. The physicians who used to use leeches and bled their patients said the same thing.

There was never good science behind several of the tactics we were told to use (masks, six-feet distancing), and many policies were continued long after we knew better. They are still promoted today.

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Let’s Skip Ousting Mike Johnson …
For Now

By J Robert Smith

  • April 22, 2024
  • 5-min read

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been joined by two of her House Republican colleagues in calling for Speaker Mike Johnson’s ouster. These three have ample cause. But when – not if – Johnson is booted matters. Trump wants Johnson to stay, saying, “I stand with the speaker, we’ve had a very good relationship.” Lindsey Graham claims Trump helped win Ukraine funding. But after the elections are over, Trump needs to ditch Johnson. The speaker has all the signs of being another Paul Ryan.

As conservative activist Ned Ryun remarked about Johnson last Sunday on X:

“I say this as an evangelical: this guy is one of the worst combinations you can ever have in politics. A smarmy evangelical who bends to the will of Democrats and the administrative state. And thinks he’s righteous in doing so.”

Last Saturday, the U.S. House, led by Speaker Johnson, committed an outrage. House Democrats and Republicans passed a stand-alone $60.8 billion funding bill for Ukraine, though there’s a carve out to “replenish [U.S.] weapons and stocks.” There’s also $13.8 billion for “advanced weapons systems.” The defense industry must get its kickbacks.

To flaunt their victory, uniparty members waved little Ukrainian flags on the House floor.

Despite Johnson’s oft-stated concerns for border security, not a penny was approved to stop the illegals deluge. Johnson’s words are meaningless. His actions speak volumes.

The uniparty’s display was one of defiance. Such congressional brazenness might be a first for the Republic. Democrats and a Republican faction showcased their contempt for the people’s will. Their votes were a statement. They’re jobs are to promote establishment interests. Those interests? A crass drive for money.

Mike Benz, a former State Department cyber security expert and analyst stated at X:

“Ukraine “Aid” & The Blob Uniparty: it ain’t about ideology, it ain’t about democracy — it’s strictly business.”

Benz offers a deeper dive about “The Blob” in his February 16 interview with Tucker Carlson.

Despite Marjorie Taylor Green’s very public attacks on Johnson, he isn’t going anywhere. Only one member of the GOP caucus is needed to cause the speaker’s chair to be vacated. Removing Johnson now and starting another speaker’s election – surely contentious and protracted – may satisfy a political blood lust but would make all sorts of trouble as election season kicks into higher gear. It’s trouble for Trump on his flank. Trump is picking his way through a perilous minefield as is.

Booting Johnson for his weak-kneed leadership risks more defections by establishment Republicans. Given the one-seat margin House Republicans enjoy, it wouldn’t take a RINO stampede out to flip the lower chamber to Hakheem Jefferies. If you don’t think Jeffries and his collection of statists, America haters, and cultural degenerates would make worse legislation on a broader range of issues, think again.

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Newest Study Confirms: Trying to Change A Youth’s Sex is A Bad Idea

By Rob Meyne

  • April 15, 2024
  • 3-min read

If you had traveled forward in time from 1990 and were suddenly plunged into contemporary America, you would find it very difficult to believe what you hear. Men can have babies, there are more than a hundred genders, men should use women’s bathrooms, it is OK when boys expose themselves to girls in a locker room, and you can get fired if you don’t call a boy who wants to be a woman “she or her.” People have lost their jobs for that.

“Misgendering” is considered harassment in some circles. “Misgendering” doesn’t mean you used a wrong term based on biology; it means you used the accurate term. By the same token, surgery that is gender “affirming” refers to one that CHANGES one’s genitals to more closely resemble what the patient THINKS they should be, not what the science shows to be true.

Patients have taken over the asylum.

This just in: you cannot change your sex. Sex isn’t “assigned” at birth. Sex is determined by the physical, scientific proof available to health care professionals. It is a question of scientific proof. It isn’t a guessing game. If you have two X chromosomes, you are female. If you have an X and a Y, you are male. It IS that simple.

Tom Slater, writing in Spiked, has done some excellent reporting on this. See pieces from him on April 12, and April 11, both available at Real Clear Politics. Great stuff.

Slater discusses a ground-breaking review by Dr, Hilary Cass. It appears to be the most comprehensive, and best-resourced, overview of these subjects extant. Cass, a top pediatrician in the UK, worked for four years, reviewing a vast array of research. Cass concludes trans interventions are seldom a good idea, are not proven beneficial, and do more harm than good. Slater: “It is a stunning piece of work: a 400-page triumph of reason over unreason.”

Based on this study alone, reason would suggest the current mess of gender confusion, surgeries, medical interventions, and finger-pointing should recede in favor of science and common sense. Perhaps our world will slowly return to sanity. Yet, as long as people pay a substantial price, either professionally or personally, for opposing this woke nonsense it will be hard to turn things around.

(On a related note, a Canadian man has taken the government to pay for surgery that will give him a vagina, or “mangina,” as it has been called. This is in addition to his penis which was, at last report, still present and accounted for. The best thing you can say about that case is that, if he is able to emerge from it all with both a mangina and a penis, it presents dozens of temptations to tell him to go f**k himself.)

Is there any wonder younger people are confused, unhappy, even suicidal, considering the number of things that are clearly true but are today routinely rejected by people in authority?

There is a huge difference, of course, between telling a child they can be whatever sex they wish, on the one hand, and telling them, on the other, that we love them, respect them, and will support them if they choose to live their lives in some unconventional way. I like it when people are happy. If my son or daughter wants to live their lives claiming they are a Ficus tree, well, o k, I guess I’ll stock up on plant food instead of Chick-Fil-A. This isn’t about respect or approval; it is about coercion to toe the party line. We can respect people all day long, and vigorously defend their rights, without pretending their decisions make sense or are rooted in reality.

We do not have to agree with every mental or emotional decision made by others. It does not make us hateful when we don’t. If my neighbor Dave wants to say he is a girl, I hope that makes him happy. I hope he would not expect me to say “Yes, you’re a girl.” Saying something does not make it so.

Back to Cass. Her study has concluded, more convincingly than any previous scholarly work, that in general sexual interventions, medical or surgical, do not improve a person’s overall health, mental or physical; they do not reduce suicides; they do not make people happier; they can ruin, irreversibly, a person’s plans on having children; and they are not without horrible and painful side effects. In short, messing around with a young person’s genitals, before they even understand sex, is a really bad idea.

The best way to deal with a child who has gender dysphoria is to support, comfort, educate, understand, and love them, but to not do anything to them that is damaging or irreversible. Let them grow up. Then, as informed adults, they can make a responsible decision.

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EVs Will Be the End of Mobility

By Rob Meyne

  • April 10, 2024
  • 5-min read

If you want yet another example of how freedom dies, spend fifteen consecutive seconds considering the EPAs’ recent rule that will require the death of internal combustion engine vehicles.

The insidious nature of the creeping bureaucratic state has been detailed by people as varied as Ronald Reagan, Ayn Rand, and anyone sentient and intelligent enough to pay attention.

The EPA is the Devil’s Spawn. It was created under President Nixon, as a paean to the far left who thought all Republicans wanted to kill puppies, poison water, and finish it all over a heaping plate of Whooping Crane Helper. Nixon was, some would say, suckered into the con that you can get people who hate you to like you just by being more like them.

It seldom works, and old Tricky Dick lived long enough to realize his idea of empowering a bunch of unelected bureaucrats to regulate every small detail of our private lives, all in the name of saving the planet, has cost us much and not produced enough.

The EPA has gone to court to argue they have the power to regulate CO2. CO2 is, of course, a naturally occurring substance, without which life would not be possible. It amounts to a total of about 0.04 per cent of the atmosphere (that is four one-hundredths of one per cent). We exhale it, you and I, as do all animals. Plants can’t live without it. If Co2 disappeared, so would life. But we are to believe it is the enemy. Sure, yeah, let’s pretend it is evil and let some clown in DC make six figures bitching about it.

So now comes the most damaging, unintelligent, and eventually unpopular rule in the history of DC. It will result in the banning of cars and trucks, as we have come to know them. You read that correctly.

The rule will force American car companies to produce more electric vehicles, and fewer gas-powered ones, resulting in a de facto banning of traditional vehicle by 2032. You read that right. Eight years from now, everyone will be expected to go for EVs.

If you want a good summary, see the piece in Real Clear Policy, April 8, by analyst John Miltimore. It is clear and compelling. He says, “Forcing automobile companies to expand production of their least-profitable product lines at the expense of their best-performing ones is economic madness.”

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